Date: Saturday March 11th, 2023
Time: 6:00pm to 9:30pm (this event begins on time, doors close at 6:45pm without refund)
Location: Incudesk Chesapeake Rd, Nassau; The Bahamas.
Demographic: Open to all
Sexual Subscription: This event is an exclusively heterosexual event.
Age Category: 35 to 45
Not your Genre or Age Category?
Take a look at other Brytysh Events in the pipeline that host a different demographic.
If you self identify as as being in a committed relationship, THIS EVENT IS NOT FOR YOU!
If you are married or currently in the process of a divorce, THIS EVENT IS NOT FOR YOU!
Parking: Parking is provided exclusively by our sponsors Incudesk and is absolutely free of charge to you. You will also be pleased to know that our parking comes with a dedicated security who will patrol the parking area from the beginning to the end of the event to ensure your vehicle is safe.
What can I expect?
Enter a secluded, dim lit, relaxing environment removed from peering eyes and opinions into a decorated uphoria of muted jazz . As you enter, receive a complimentary beverage which is included in your ticket price, your personal event badge and a Brytysh Score Card and its off to a bit of icebreaking fun and laughter.
This is your opportunity to scan the room but also to see who's personality captures your attention. This also the organisers of the event a bit of time to ensure that those persons running late have a bit of time to get into the event before the speed dating opportunity begins. You want to be on time so set your clocks for 7:00pm sharp!
Phone Dump
As you enter you will be asked to place your phone into a secure basket to ensure your privacy and the privacy of other attendees who wish to freely date without peering eyes and public opinions are honoured. Not to worry, your phone is secure and will be returned to you at the end of the event.
Everyone should be here now. Let's DATE!
After our 30 minute icebreaker ends, it's off to the dating scene.
Ladies its okay to come in your heels because you will be seated the entire evening.
Ladies are asked to sit and the gents will move from lady to lady x 30 dates so come in comfortable shoes gents.
Dating Rules:
Each date starts and ends in a total of 5 minutes.
The timer is loud and tells you when its time to get up and move to the next lady. ( be quick, the clock is running.
Note your love interests
You were given a Brytysh Score Card as you entered the event, hold this dear to you. It is the lifeline of the entire event. This card lists your date by his or her number found on their badge. so be sure to take note of those bags numbers for the persons you dont mind spending more time with.
Give your date a check mark for yes I like or an "x" for no way, ill pass.
A Badge was applied to your clothing when you entered the building including your event number and your real first name.
Badges should always be visible for your date to see, not covered by showls or coats.
Light Hors D'oeuvres (Charcuterie Boards) are served as you move through your dates and are included in your ticket price. (these are nut free options and are also included in your ticket price so dig in). Please make your allergies known by email so that we ensure there is something suitable for you on site.
Persons with dairy or berry allergies may also opt to purchase food from our in house food selections open post event. These options are at cost.
Alcohol is not included with the exception of your entry beverage however a full cash only bar will be on site with your favorite spirits and wine options.
No credit cards will accepted(bring some cash with you).
Paid Beverage and Food Desks will be open for 1/2 hour after the event concludes to allow you a moment to grab a bite or another drink (these items are all at cost.)
What should I wear?
Be calm
Start to think about questions that are important to you that won’t offend your date the first time around. Here are some pretty good, safe questions to ask?
Dress like you are going to dinner with a friend. A friend that matters a lot :)
Come to impress. Wear your best.
Ladies YESSS you can wear your heels. You will be seated 90% of the evening.
Ladies: A nice short cocktail dress, jeans with a nice top just as an example.
Gents: A nice polo or button up, long sleeved shirt with rolled sleeves,
Brytysh is a no tennis zone!
Please do not come to a Brytysh event in sneakers!​
What not to wear:
Brytysh Events are all no tennis zones!
Brytysh Events are all no baseball cap zone!
Once dating begins, our doors are sealed and locked. Entry will be prohibited after this time and without a refund. Ticket purchases are final unless the event is canceled.
Email: match@brytysh.com with any questions and we will contact you within the hour.