So you’ve recently been to a
Brytysh event...
Here’s what you can expect after!
Date Number 2
Now that you’ve had your official speed dating event its time to up the ante. The Brytysh Card that we collected from you at the event is being tallied against other cards from your event.
We examine them to see if there is a match.
If there is a match for you, meaning someone your sat on a date with gave you a check mark then you will receive an email from the team at Brytysh within 36 hours following the event.
This email will provide the name of your love interest as well as some additional details. But what’s more important, you will have the option of going on a second date which you may approve or decline.
Brytysh Facebook Network
Brytysh hosts a Facebook and Instagram community that are all private.
Brytysh Matched Whatsapp Group
Those persons that have been matched are added to a Whatsapp Group where they can arrange Matched Get Togethers with other Brytysh Couples. Only couples that have formed a genuine connection are added to this group.
Brytysh Mixers
Brytysh hosts regular mixers for its singles from different sessions. No pressure, these are by invite only and are only extended to those persons who didn’t match during our speed dating sessions.
Other Brytysh Speed Dating Events
Whenever Brytysh is having a speed dating event, our unmatched candidates are always the first to receive an invitation.