808-MAXX (6299)

Cable Beach
Directions to MoneyMaxx Cable Beach:
Take Bahamar Blvd to its farthest west round about. Turn onto Cable Beach heading westward bound. Proceed to the 3rd roundabout. Exit this round about continuing west you will take an abrupt turn into the yellow plaza just before the Supermarket , Shops at Cable Beach Plaza". Take the first exit and continue heading west towards Citi Market. Just before City Market on the left is a yellow plaza. The new home of MoneyMaxx Cable Beach. (Same plaza with Sbarros)
Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday
9:00am – 5:00 pm
Directions to MoneyMaxx Palmdale:
Proceeding north on Mackey Street, turn left (west) on Rosetta Street and proceed past the Insurance Management and former Colina buildings. We are co-located within the Aliv store across from Suzy Q Convenience Store.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday
9:30am – 5:30 pm
Prince Charles Carey’s Plaza
Directions to MoneyMaxx Prince Charles:
After passing Commonwealth Bank on Prince Charles eastbound, cross the traffic light​ and prepare to make a left into the first plaza on the left. Coming from the east, after passing Shell Gas Station westbound, make the next right into Carey’s Plaza. We are located in the first two-story white building as you enter at ground level.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 4:00 pm
Southwest Plaza
Directions to MoneyMaxx Southwest Plaza:
Proceeding into Southwest Plaza on Carmichael Road (across the street from Golden Gates Shopping Plaza),turn right (East) into the Plaza and proceed to the northeast corner of the Plaza. We are co-located with Aliv
between CBS and John Bull.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday
10:00am – 6:00 pm
Mall at Marathon
Directions to MoneyMaxx Mall at Marathon:
Once you are at the Mall at Marathon, enter at the mall entrance next to Kelly’s once inside, make a left and continue to The Aliv Store opposite BTC. MoneyMaxx is located within the Aliv storefront.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday
10:00am – 6:00 pm
Directions to MoneyMaxx Port Lucaya:
MoneyMaxx Lucaya is located within the Aliv Store in the Seahorse plaza west of Solomons Supermarket.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday
9:00am – 5:00 pm
Tar Bay
Directions to MoneyMaxx Tar Bay:
MoneyMaxx Tar Bay is located east of the Exuma International Airport, continue on the Queen's Highway into Tar Bay. Store is located on the first floor of the Blaze Building in Tar Bay.
Rock Sound
Directions to MoneyMaxx Rock Sound:
MoneyMaxx Rock Sound is located south of the Rock Sound International Airport, continue on the Queen's Highway into Rock Sound. Store is located in the Jesco Plaza in Rock Sound.