The adjusters here at MCG handle a wide range of losses caused by a variety of insured perils. Whether the claim involves a simple retail store or a complex manufacturing operation, clients can depend on us to provide a thorough and efficient investigation and quantification of the loss.
Investigative Issues
Determination of suspicious losses
Securing the loss scene
Preservation of evidence
Appointment of specialist engineers and investigators
Analysis of policy coverage
Review subrogation potential
Loss Quantification
Preparation of building damages & scope of repairs needed.
Preparation of detailed site sketches.
Auditing of contractors estimates & invoices.
Verification of stock & equipment losses.
Quantification of Business Interruption Losses
Verification of compliance with co-insurance requirements.

With their many years of experience, our adjusters provide clients with a high level of personal service in the area of personal property claims. We handle the following types of contents and building losses:
We provide a full range of
Personal Property Loss Adjustment inclusive of :
Attached dwellings
Detached private dwellings
Apartment complexes
We manage a detailed scope of claim types ranging from:
Damages arising from Natural Disasters
and so much more...

Here at MCG Adjusters Ltd., we investigate each loss carefully to ensure coverage under the policy. Our adjusters audit replacement quotations to ensure that recommendations are based on like kind and quality items.
In the area of personal liability, our adjusters handle personal exposures insured by homeowner policies in addition to commercial coverage's where our adjusters handle the following types of losses:
Commercial General Liability
Professional Liability
Products Liability
The investigative work required in such losses vary from case to case & can be intensive.
At MCG Adjusters Ltd.,our adjusters maintain high standards in:
Identifying witnesses
Digital recording & transcription of interviews
Analyzing the scene or product
Photographing & Videotaping the scene
Identifying & collecting all pertinent records, reports, procedural manuals etc.
and we are just as poised when:
Verifying the standard of care required by professionals
Researching & negotiating fair settlements
Assisting & collaborating with Defense Counsel
providing of Quantum Assessments

To be your preferred claims management service choice
Our adjusters have worked with a wide variety of losses generated by automobile claims.
We provide immediate attention to all variations of automobile loss ranging from:
Direct vehicle damages
Damage to personal effects
Impact damages associated with buildings and other remote property
Bodily injury assessments
Accident benefits assessments & or settlements

Managing the UNEXPECTED