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Every parent worries about their little one during this; a seemingly never ending pandemic; Covid19. Greyford Academy, in an effort to give you as parents profound peace of mind, endeavor to go beyond the call to ensure the safety of your little ones and our faculty during this time.


Here are some of the routines that have been implemented around the Greyford Academy Campus:

A sanitization station is positioned at the entryway and alarms should it be bypassed ensuring complete compliance in the sanitization of all students.


Unfortunately during a Covid19 climate, parents and visitors are restricted to the outdoors and may not enter the premises for any reason.


Curbside Drop off an pickup is provided from 8:00am - 8:30. Parents arriving late are provided with a mobile number to call for immediate collection of their little one. 


The kids work and play within bubbles. They interact only with the students & teacher assigned to their homeroom to keep any cases that may present, under thumb.


The children all wear masks during class and put them aside during outdoor play only.


Desks are sanitized 3 times daily. At 7am, before lunch and during naptime.


Kids wash before meals and after playtime.


Greyford has a permanent cleaning crew on campus.


You will be pleased to know that Greyford Academy is deemed compliant by the Ministry of Environmental Health having passed its routine Covid19 inspection.


Each classroom occupies uninterrupted distanced seating experienced for your child.


Our classroom occupancy has been reduced to half due to Covid19 and welcomes a maximum of 10 children per classroom.


A PCR Test is required of all teachers at the beginning of the school year with monthly Antigen tests required of those unvaccinated staff members.

These records are maintained by our Human Resources Department and may be presented to any authorized Government authority figure should it be solicited. 


​​​​Daily temperature checking is the standard here at Greyford with a running log of the results collected.


​Students presenting with signs of illness such as runny nose, fever, drowsiness, unusually lethargic moods, are not permitted to enter the premises.


 Should there be a child that presents with Covid19 throughout the day, they are immediately isolated within our on-site "Sick Bay" until Mom or Dad comes to collect the child.

A Covid19 test is required to return to school.


​Signs prompting compliance in handwashing, distancing and sanitization can be found throughout the interior and exterior of the school.


All sanitization stations are contactless as an extra precaution.


Greyford Academy is a Cashless Institution for the purpose of health safety and security.

Signs reflecting this are also found about the exterior to prohibit robbery.



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